How to order Guitar Tuner Mobile. Step by step instruction:
- If you don’t have trial version, download and install Guitar Tuner Mobile.
- Click on Get registration key, it will brings you on certified payments processor page.
- Click Order Now button of RegNow billing page.
- Select payment way. If you have a trouble with some option you can try another option. In case of troubles you can contact payments processors Customer Support. Also you can place order or ask order related questions by phone:
Toll Free Number in the US 1-877-353-7297
Internationally phone 1-(952) 646-5331
You may need product ID 16230-13 for Xitona Guitar-Tuner Mobile

- You will receive further instructions after payment method selection. Feel free to chouse some one, even if you don’t understand how it’s going. You will be able to cancel order after method selection, and select another one.
- Immediately after ordering, you will see registration code in your Internet browser.
- Startup Guitar Tuner Mobile and press "License Key " item in the menu

- Insert registration code into window and press continue.

In case of successful registration startup banner will not be shown anymore.
If you need any explaining or if you have some suggestions, please feel free to contact us