How to use Guitar Tuner
There are two ways you can tune your guitar using this program.
First – use microphone and sound-card input, so program will measure exactly notes pitch for each string and show the difference to you. Second – use you sound card midi synthesizer as reference, and you will determine the difference by yourself.
- Get sound from your guitar to the program
- Choose the type of tuning. This can be done by clicking the arrow indicator (located in left side of the program window), or using menu Main -> Options -> Tuning type. If you want to tune your guitar in standard tuning, you don’t have to set anything this type of tuning is default.
- Click the string (or press key on your keyboard) to be tuned and proceed to point four. You can also use the keyboard to switch between strings. Press number keys 1,2,3,4,5,6 to choose a desired string. I have found keyboard switching more convenient - it’s better than ”shooting” with mouse when holding a guitar in your hands.
- Strike the chosen string on your guitar. When you strike the string, gray arrow indicator become orange (it means that the signal is powerful enough) and show you difference between sound note and expected note. Also you can see the text Up / Down / Ok which tells what direction of tuning you need.
- Strike only one string at time. Try using a pick, it produces a stronger and brighter sound.
- If you are using direct ”plug-in” connection, set the volume on your guitar to maximum. (with volume knob) On electric guitars turning off the bass pickup gets better results. If you are using microphone connection, make sure your microphone is on. ( some of them have a nasty little switch )
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